Page 45 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 45

Look at the following tables.


                                      I do                    I do not / I don’t

                                      you do                  you do not / you don’t

                                      he does                 he does not / he doesn’t

                                      she does                she does not / she doesn’t

                                      it does                 it does not / it doesn’t


                                      we do                   we do not / we don’t

                                      you do                  you do not / you don’t

                                      they do                 they do not / they don’t

                    C2 a)  Fill in the blanks with the correct simple present tense forms of the

                             ac  on words given in brackets.

                                 1. I                      English. (speaks, speak)

                                 2. She                       eat ice cream. (doesn’t, don’t)

                                 3. You                       French. (does not know, do not know)

                                 4. Akhil                       at 6 o’clock every day. (get up, gets up)

                                 5. The birds                        to faraway countries in winter.
                                                                                                           (fly, flies)

                     b)  Change the sentences using don’t or doesn’t.

                                 1.  An owl sleeps at night.

                                      An owl doesn’t sleep at night.

                                 2.  The children go to school on Sunday.

                                 3.  Mr Lal teaches English.

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