Page 44 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 44

3.  Our class teacher told us to                            the spellings of five words
                                and write them in our notebooks.

                           4.  Kabir is going to                            his pet dog to fetch the newspaper.

                           5. If you                         something useful,                            it to your


                   C          Grammar

                    Present Simple

                    Read the following sentences:

                          a)   1.  Zebu always wakes up at six o’clock.

                                 2.  The train leaves at ten o’clock every day.

                          b)   3.  The sun rises in the east.

                                 4.  Wood floats on water.

                           •    We use the present simple tense for

                                 i)  habits or repeated actions.  (sentences 1–2)

                                ii)  laws of nature.  (sentences 3–4)

                    C1.  Write H (habits) or LN (laws of nature) in the boxes.

                           1.  Fire burns paper.

                           2.  We always have lunch at half past one.

                           3.  The earth moves around the sun.

                           4.  My grandfather sleeps every afternoon.

                           5.  Ice melts easily.

                           6.  Tony likes apples.

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