Page 39 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 39

5             Little Round Bun

                    Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman in a little hut in

                    a village. One day the old man said, ‘Do bake me a bun, old woman.’

                    So the old woman took out all the flour from the flour-box and made some

                    dough. Then she shaped a little round bun out of it, baked it and put it on
                    the windowsill to cool.

                    Little Round Bun lay there for some time and then it suddenly started rolling.

                    From the window it rolled on to the bench, from the bench to the floor and
                    then to the door. It hopped through the door and into the yard, from the yard

                    to the gate, from the gate to the road, and it never stopped, but rolled on
                    and on.

                    By and by, it met a Rabbit coming towards it.

                    ‘Stop, Little Round Bun!’ called the Rabbit. ‘I’m going to eat you up.’

                    ‘Don’t do that, Squint-Eyes! Let me sing you a little song,’ said Little Round

                    Bun, and it began to sing:

                           ‘I was taken from the flour-box,

                           And baked in the oven,

                           And cooled on the sill.

                           I ran away from Grandpa,

                           I ran away from Grandma,

                           And I’ll run away from Rabbit,

                           This minute I will!’

                     towards : going in the direction of                 Squint-Eyes : a person whose eyes
                            somebody or something                               look in different directions

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