Page 34 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 34

4             A Raggy Dog, A Shaggy Dog

                    Have you seen a little dog

                    Anywhere about?

                    A raggy dog, a shaggy dog,

                    Who’s always looking out

                    For some fresh mischief which he thinks

                    He really ought to do.

                    He’s very likely at this minute

                    Biting on someone’s shoe.

                                                                 If you see that little dog,
                                                                 His tail up in the air,

                                                                 A whirly tail, a curly tail,

                                                                 A dog who doesn’t care

                                                                 For any other dog he meets,

                                                                 Not even for himself,

                                                                 Then hide your mats, and put your meat

                                                                 Upon the top most shelf.

                    If you see that little dog,

                    Barking at the cars,

                    A raggy dog, a shaggy dog,

                     shaggy : having long and untidy                     likely : expected result

                            fur                                          curly tail : a tail with a curved
                     fresh : new                                                shape

                     mischief : bad behaviour that                       top most : highest

                            causes trouble
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