Page 36 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 36

2.  happy                             sad, glad, pleased, dad

                           3.  big                               large, deep, huge, enormous

                           4.  frightened                        afraid, scared, tear, terrified

                           5. tomorrow                           the next day, yesterday, the following day,

                                                                 the day after tomorrow

                           6.  brave                             gold, soldier, courageous, good

                   C          Grammar

                    Possessive Pronouns : mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs

                    Read the following:

                           1. This is my lunch box. It is mine.

                           2. That is your teddy bear. It is yours.

                           3. These are his shoes. They are his.

                           4. This is her storybook. It is hers.

                           5. That is our car. It is ours.

                           6. Those are their caps. Those are theirs.

                    Fill in the blanks with mine, yours, his, hers, ours or theirs.

                           1.  This is my garden. It’s                               .

                           2.  She owns a horse. It’s                                .

                           3.  My name is Lalit. What is                               ?

                           4.  This house belongs to my parents. It’s                                     .

                           5.  My sister and I have two dogs. They are                                      .

                           6.  Farida and Rafiq are Mr Hussain’s children. They are                              .

                        Teacher’s Box

                         1.  This is my book. It’s mine.

                                Mine replaces my book.
                         2.  Mine is a possessive pronoun. It does not have a noun after it.
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