Page 30 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 30

D           Writing

                    Read the following form carefully. Raghu Batra wants to go to a summer

                    camp with his friends. He fi lls in a form, signs it and pastes his photo on it.
                    Then he gives it to his class teacher.

                     Class 2                  Victory International School

                     Section C                5, Shivaji Road, New Delhi                                Paste your
                     First name               Raghu
                     Surname                  Batra

                     Date of birth            31 January, 2010

                     Home address             15, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001
                     Telephone                26 97 38 55

                     Sports (outdoor and indoor)

                     Choose any two from the following and write their names in the blanks.

                               swimming              football             cricket            table tennis
                               tennis                riding               running            carrom

                     1.             tennis                                2.            swimming

                     Fun Activities

                     Choose any two from the following and write their names in the blanks.

                         acting   painting   dancing   singing   papercraft

                                 playing musical instruments (tabla, violin, piano, drums)

                     1.            papercraft                             2.           piano

                     Father’s name            Girish Batra

                     Occupation               doctor

                     Mother’s name            Reena Batra
                     Occupation               homemaker

                       Reena Batra                                                               Raghu Batra

                      (Parent’s signature)                                                   (Pupil’s signature)
                                                                                                 Vinita Sen

                     Date:    14 April, 2017                                             (Class teacher’s signature)

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