Page 50 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 50

It was five o’clock. It was time for the party. Priya waited eagerly for her
                    friends. Five o’clock ... Six o’clock. No one came. Priya started weeping. Finally,
                    at seven o’clock, her friends arrived. They said to Priya, ‘We’re sorry we’re late.’

                    It was time to cut the cake but Priya’s father was not there. Mother phoned
                    father. Then she said, ‘Priya, Father will be late. Let’s cut the cake now.’

                    Priya’s eyes filled with tears again. She understood that her birthday was

                    spoiled because everything was late.

                                                                •  •  •

                    ‘Priya, get up, dear. It’s your birthday today. Happy Birthday, dear!’ said
                    Mother shaking her gently. Priya opened her eyes. She sat up quickly. She

                    asked her mother, ‘Am I late again?’ Mother replied, ‘No, my dear, you are not.
                    Get ready now.’

                    Priya reached her school in time. Her red silk dress was ready in the evening.

                    The party room was decorated beautifully. Father came home early with the
                    Mickey Mouse birthday cake. All her friends came in time. Priya happily blew

                    out the candles on her cake. Everyone clapped their hands and sang,

                                       ‘Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
                                    Happy Birthday, dear Priya! Happy Birthday to you!’

                     eagerly : in a very interested and                  spoiled : changed something happy

                            excited manner                                      into something unpleasant
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