Page 33 - ICSE Math 6
P. 33

Number on            Number on
                    Solution:           Pair of numbers                                                 Comparison
                                                                  the left           the right

                                   (a)      640; 604               604                  640              640 > 604
                                   (b)      567; 765               567                  765              567 < 765

                                   (c)   98,965; 56,789           56,789              98,965          98,965 > 56,789

                                                              EXERCISE 2.1

                      1.  Write the successor of:    (a) 2,35,679      (b) 7,86,420      (c) 9,80,099
                      2.  Write the predecessor of:  (a) 5,67,000      (b) 34,59,080     (c) 89,00,120
                      3.  Which is the largest whole number?

                      4.  How many whole numbers are there between 46 and 77?
                      5.  Use the number line to find the following sums.

                         (a)  5 + 6         (b)  3 + 4         (c)  7 + 2
                      6.  Use the number line to find the following differences.
                         (a)  8 – 5         (b)  6 – 3         (c)   7 – 7

                      7.  Use the number line to find the following products.
                         (a)  4 × 2         (b)  3 × 5         (c)  7 × 3

                      8.  In each of the following pairs of numbers, state which whole number is on the left of the other
                        number on the number line. Also, compare them using the appropriate sign ‘>’ or ‘<’.

                         (a)  387; 378    (b)  1,001; 1,101    (c)  3,456; 6,543    (d)  36,789; 3,67,899
                      9.  How many digits are there in a successor of a three-digit number?

                    Properties of Whole Numbers

                    The  four fundamental  operations  on whole numbers are  addition,  subtraction,  multiplication  and
                    division. There are several properties of these operations on whole numbers that help us to understand
                    the numbers better and make calculations under certain operations very simple. Let us look at these

                    I. Addition
                    •  Closure property

                       The sum of two whole numbers is always a whole number, i.e., if ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two whole numbers
                       then ‘a + b’ is also a whole number. This property is known as the closure property of addition of
                       whole numbers. For example, 3 and 5 are whole numbers and 3 + 5 = 8 is also a whole number.
                    •  Commutative property                                                Try These
                       The sum of two whole numbers remains the same irrespective
                       of the order in which they are added, i.e., if ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two   1.   Is 336 + 423 a whole number?
                       whole numbers then a + b = b + a. This property is known as        2.   Complete the equation given
                       the commutative property of addition of whole numbers. For            below.
                       example, 5 + 3 = 8  = 3 + 5                                           663 + ____ = 900 = 237 + ____

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