Page 31 - ICSE Math 6
P. 31

2            Natural Numbers and Whole


                   Key Concepts

                         • Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers                 • Properties of Whole Numbers
                         • Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of  Whole     • Division Algorithm
                        Numbers on a Number Line

                    We have already learnt about numbers, their place value, face value, estimation, etc. In this chapter,
                    we will learn about numbers and their properties in detail. We will also learn addition, subtraction
                    and multiplication of numbers on a number line.

                    Natural Numbers

                    The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ... are called counting numbers. Counting of these numbers comes naturally
                    to us. Therefore, mathematicians also called these numbers natural numbers. Hence, the numbers 1,
                    2, 3, ..., 1,000, ..., 10,00,00,000, ..., etc. are called natural or counting numbers.

                    Successor and predecessor of natural numbers
                    The successor of a natural number is the natural number that comes         Try These
                    just after it. For example, the successor of 3 is 4. The predecessor of   1.   Write the successor of first
                    a natural number is the natural number that comes just before it. For        five natural numbers.
                    example, 12 is the predecessor of 13. To find the successor of a number   2.   Is 999 predecessor of 1,000?
                    we add 1 to it and to find its predecessor we subtract 1 from it.         3.    What is the predecessor of
                                                                                                 successor of 19,453?
                    The number 1 is the only natural number which has a successor but         4.   Can we have a last natural
                    no predecessor because on subtracting 1 from it, we get 0 which is not       number? Why?
                    a natural number.

                     All natural numbers except 1 have both successor and predecessor.

                    Whole Numbers

                    All natural numbers along with 0 are called whole numbers. Every natural number is a whole number
                    but, on the other hand there exists a whole number ‘0’ which is not a natural number. Thus, as a whole
                    number 1 has the predecessor 0.

                    Addition of whole numbers on a number line
                    We can add two or more whole numbers on a number line.                          Maths Info
                    Let’s add whole numbers 3 and 5.                                          The word zero originated from
                    Step 1:   Draw a number line as shown.                                    the Hindu word sunya which
                                                                                              means ‘void’. Then sunya  was
                                                                                              translated into the Arabic sifr,
                                    0    1   2    3   4    5   6    7    8   9   10           which when translated to Latin
                    Step 2:   First move three units to the right of ‘0’ to reach at 3.       gave zero.

                                    0    1   2    3   4    5   6    7    8   9   10

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