Page 162 - ICSE Math 1
P. 162

Chapter 7: Geometry

                       Take clay or play dough of diff erent colours and make diff erent shapes you
                          have studied in this chapter. Using these shapes, try making any object and
                          discuss how you created the shapes and objects in your class.

                       Take empty box or a can such as a sweet box, shoe box, cold drink can or
                          clown’s cap and wrap a glazed paper or any other coloured paper around it.
                          Using crayons or water colours, decorate the object beau  fully. Write the

                          shape of the object that you have decorated.

                     Chapter 8: Measurement

                       Using an unsharpened pencil, fi nd the length of the following objects.
                           Water bo  le                 Lunch box                  Mathema  cs book

                           Study table

                       Take your favourite fruit and vegetable. Which one is heavier? Which will be
                          heavy if you double the quan  ty of the fruit and vegetable?

                       Using a cup, fi nd how much water the following containers can hold.
                           A glass                      A mug                      A jug

                           A bowl                       A bo  le

                       List any ten ac  vi  es that you perform in a day. Classify them under the following
                          categories: Ac  vi  es of Short Dura  on and Ac  vi  es of Long Dura  on.

                     Chapter 9: Data Handling

                     Draw kites in your drawing notebook. Colour these kites yellow, red, pink, green,

                     blue and purple. Then make a table and write the number of yellow kites, red
                     kites, pink kites, green kites, blue kites and purple kites. Do you like fl ying kites?

                     Chapter 10: Patterns

                     Take petals of fi ve diff erent fl owers and put water colour on these petals. A  er
                     colouring the petals, put the fi rst petal on the paper, followed by the second,

                     third, fourth and fi   h petals. Repeat this two   mes. You will get a pa  ern. Name
                     the fl owers from which you collected the petals. You can also make pa  erns by
                     drawing two or three fl owers and repea  ng the same.

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