Page 158 - ICSE Math 1
P. 158

17.  Sajid has 44 stamps. His uncle gives him 52 more stamps. How many stamps
                               does Sajid have now?

                          18.  There were 46 deer in a zoo. 21 deer were shi  ed to another zoo. How many
                               deer are le   in the zoo now?

                          19.  Draw a square. Inside the square, draw a rectangle. Colour the fi gure drawn by

                          20.  Name the following solid fi gures and colour them.

                               (a)                                          (b)

                               (c)                                          (d)

                          21.  Write two examples of fl at objects that can slide on a fl at surface. Also, write
                               two examples of round objects that can slide and roll on a fl at surface.

                          22.  Measure the following objects using body parts and write their lengths.

                               (a) Water bo  le                             (b)  Lunch box
                               (c) Pencil box                               (d)  Drawing book

                          23.  Name the following parts of the day.

                               (a) The   me when the sun rises.
                               (b) The   me when the sun sets.
                               (c) The   me when the sun is directly over our head.

                               (d) The   me between evening and morning.

                          24.  List your favourite ac  vi  es that you perform during weekend. State whether
                               these ac  vi  es are of shorter dura  on or longer dura  on.

                          25.  Write the number of the following things that you see in your classroom.
                               (a)  Number of chairs

                               (b)  Number of tables

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