Page 161 - ICSE Math 1
P. 161

Chapter 2: Addition up to 9

                     Take a bag and put objects like ice cream s  cks or marbles in it. Form groups of
                     two or three children. Each child should pick out objects from the bag and prac  ce
                     addi  on using them.

                     Chapter 3: Subtraction up to 9

                     Make colourful number cards. Form groups of two. Each child should pick up a
                     number card in a group. Subtract the smaller number from the bigger number.
                     Write the diff erence obtained. Prac  ce subtrac  on by repea  ng the ac  vity with
                     diff erent number cards.

                     Chapter 4: Numbers from 10 to 20

                     Represent the numbers from 10 to 20 using ice cream s  cks and toothpicks where
                     bundle of ice cream s  cks represents tens and bundle of toothpicks represents
                     ones. For instance, we need 1 ice cream s  ck and 3 toothpicks to represent number
                     13. Similarly, we need 2 ice cream s  cks and 0 toothpick to represent number 20.

                                                           +                             = 13

                                                           +                             = 20

                     Chapter 5: Numbers from 21 to 99
                     Represent the numbers from 10 to 20 using bu  ons of any two colours (say orange

                     and blue). Form groups of 2 to 3 children. Decide which colour bu  ons represent
                     tens and ones. Let orange bu  ons represent tens and blue bu  ons represent
                     ones. One group will give a number to other group and ask them to represent the
                     number using the bu  ons. Similarly, the other group will ask the next group.

                     Chapter 6: Addition and Subtraction up to 99

                     Make colourful number cards and form groups of two or three students. One
                     group will pick up any two cards having numbers less than 9. Add the numbers
                     obtained and fi nd the sum. Similarly, to fi nd the diff erence, pick up any two cards
                     and subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. All groups can prac  se

                     addi  on and subtrac  on in this manner and will be marked according to the right

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