P. 33

Th  e population is usually grouped according       Th  e pointed top of the pyramid indicates
                    to their age in the following categories.           a high death rate, showing that the life
                    •  Children (0–14 years)—Dependent                  expectancy in such a country is low. Factors
                    •  Working age (15–59 years)—Productive             like poor living conditions and the lack of
                    •  Old age (above 59 years)—Dependent               proper medical facilities may be responsible
                    World statistics indicate that in 2017, about       for the high mortality rate among the older
                    26 per cent of the world’s population was           age groups. Such countries have a higher
                    under 15 years of age and about 8 per cent          population of children as compared to people
                    was over 64 years of age, which means around        of working age or senior citizens. Th is results
                    66 per cent of the population was young and         in a strain on the working-age population
                    productive. Any country, with a vast productive     to support the large younger population,
                                                                        making them work in stressful conditions.
                    age population is a blessing, but then it should
                                                                        African countries like Niger belong to this
                    be skilled, educated, healthy and happy, only
                    then could the working population contribute
                    to the growth of their nation.
                                                                         Male               Niger - 2016           Female
                                                                                               100 +
                    Population Pyramid                                                        95 - 99
                                                                                              90- 94
                                                                                              85 - 89
                    Population pyramids are graphs that show                                  80 - 84
                                                                                              75 - 79
                                                                                              70 - 74
                    information about age and gender of any                                   65 - 69
                                                                                              60 - 64
                    specifi c country. Th  ese graphs are known                               55 - 59
                                                                                              50 - 54
                    as pyramids because they are shaped like                                  45 - 49
                                                                                              40 - 44
                                                                                              35 - 39
                    triangles. Population pyramids usually                                    30 - 34
                                                                                              25 - 29
                    display males on the left  and females on the                             20 - 24
                                                                                              15 - 19
                                                                                              10 - 14
                    right. Th  ere is a vertical line in the middle                            5 - 9
                                                                                               0 - 4
                    of the graph that separates the males from
                                                                        2   1.6  1.2  0.8  0.4  0  0  0.4  0.8  1.2  1.6  2
                    the females, and the age groups or range is          Population (in millions)  Age Group  Population (in millions)
                    mentioned there.
                                                                                   Progressive population pyramid
                    Population pyramids are of four types—
                    progressive, expansive, stationary and              Expansive Population Pyramids
                    constrictive.                                       An expansive population pyramid is similar

                                                                        to the progressive population pyramid.
                    Progressive Population Pyramid
                                                                        Even here, the percentage of the younger
                    A progressive population pyramid has a              age groups is higher than all the other age
                    triangular shape, with a very wide base and         groups. Th  e only diff erence between these
                    pointed apex. Th  e bar of each age group           two population pyramids is that the bottom
                    decreases with the increase in age, indicating      bars of an expansive population pyramid are
                    that more people die as the bar goes higher. Th e   stable and constant, indicating that deaths are
                    large base indicates a high birth rate, which
                                                                        not common among the youth. Death rate is
                    is probably due to the country exhibiting
                                                                        visibly lesser but the birth rate is still high.
                    features like being a developing economy,
                                                                        Th  ese countries have a higher life expectancy
                    poverty, low levels of female education and
                                                                        than countries with a progressive pyramid.
                    less awareness of proper family planning.

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