P. 28
become unavailable to the people. Th ese basic
Let’s Discuss
amenities include food, shelter, clean water,
How does the growth of population change fuel and farmland. Generally, higher levels of
as the economy develops?
population growth are seen in developing or
poorer countries, and lower levels of growth,
Overpopulation and population balance and even decline are seen
Underpopulation in developed or richer countries.
Both large and small countries can be Fact Corner
underpopulated or overpopulated. A country In 1950, the maximum population of the
can be overpopulated if its resources cannot world was young. Now, in 2017, there are
sustain the current population. As long as fewer young and more older people. By
there is overpopulation, the quality of life will 2050, the numbers will even out.
decline through unemployment, pollution
and degradation of the environment. In an
underpopulated country, the population
cannot fully utilise the available resources. An
increase in population of an underpopulated
country would lead to an increase in the
quality of life.
Overpopulation depletes resources.
When too many people are living in a country
Causes of Overpopulation
but there aren’t enough resources to help
them live or to feed them, then that particular • Migration: Migration can raise the
situation is termed as overpopulation. With an population. In developed countries,
increasing population, even basic amenities population increases because people who
Countries Population Population Density
Country (persons per
China 1,427,647,786 square kilometre)
Monaco 19,196
India 1,352,642,280
Singapore 7,953
United States of America 327,096,265
Bahrain 2,017
Indonesia 267,670,543
Maldives 1,719
Pakistan 212,228,286 Malta 1,511
Most populated countries Countries with the highest population density
(as on 1 July 2018) (as on 1 July 2018)
Source: World Bank report