P. 23
Theme 2: Population Dynamics
2 Population
opulation dynamics can be defi ned as rate, which could lead to an increase in the
Pthe study of the changing patterns of population. Th e spread of new diseases,
population size, growth and distribution. on the other hand, could mean a decrease
It is a field of study that tracks the factors in the population, as seen in the impact
related to the changes in population such as of AIDS in Africa. Wars would also mean
fertility rate and life expectancy. Predicting a decrease in the population. Some have
population changes is important because it suggested that a zero population growth rate
reveals demographic trends which impact will occur in the early 2020s but others think the
economic, social and environmental systems. global population will reach ten billion by 2100.
An increase in human population can Th erefore it is important to study changes in the
impact the quality of natural resources like global population as it aff ects social, economic
biodiversity, air, land and water. Th is chapter and cultural realities.
focuses on various features of population and
the factors aff ecting it. 7
World Population 5
Th e population in the world has grown 2 Population/Billions 4 3
tremendously over the past two hundred
years. In the beginning of 1900, the global 1
population was less than one billion but now 0
1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050
it stands at over seven billion. A vast majority Year
of this population lives in the developing A graph showing the growth in human population
countries. Th e world’s population is spread
unevenly across the globe with small Distribution of Population in the World
concentrations of a large number of people Th e distribution of population describes the
living in the same area. Th e world as a whole location and the number of people living on
has more ‘empty’ areas than ‘crowded’ areas. the Earth’s surface. It can be represented by
Th is growth of population has now slowed a population density map that represents the
down. However, the happenings taking place ratio of population with respect to an area. It
in the future are diffi cult to predict. Better is represented as the number of people per
healthcare will lead to a decline in the death square kilometre.
demographic: related to the structure of population study