P. 21
E Answer the following questions briefl y.
1. By using topographical sheets, discuss how can one interpret relief features and drainage.
2. Draw and explain nucleated and dispersed settlements.
3. Define a saddle.
4. What are rural settlements?
5. With the help of diagrams, show the physical features of the following landforms as they
appear on a topographical sheet.
(a) Ridge (b) Hill (c) Plateau
F Answer the following questions in detail.
1. Explain the characteristics of contour maps with the help of a diagram.
2. What are the diff erent types of rural settlements? Explain with the help of diagrams.
Let’s Do
Classroom Session
The contour lines on the maps below have a contour interval of 10 metres. This means that the
diff erence in elevation between two contour lines is 10 metres. Letters have been added to the
maps to show specifi c locations. Use the maps to answer the questions that follow.
B 90 m
50 m E
40 m 80 m
70 m
60 m
30 m A 50 m
Map 1 Map 2
1. Which location has the highest elevation? What is its elevation?
2. Which location has the lowest elevation? What is its elevation?
3. Which location has an elevation greater than 60 metres, but less than 70 metres?
4. Which locations have an elevation of exactly 50 metres?