P. 34
Due to a lower death rate, more people live to rate as there is more awareness and there
their middle ages. Haiti can be considered in are incentives provided for proper family
this category. planning. Women are also given importance
in the society. Such a pyramid shows a stable
Male Haiti - 2016 Female
100 increase in the country’s population with
95 - 99
90- 94 time. Morocco and USA are countries that
85 - 89
80 - 84
75 - 79 fall in this category.
70 - 74
65 - 69
60 - 64
55 - 59 Constrictive Population Pyramids
50 - 54
45 - 49
40 - 44 A constrictive population pyramid is the
35 - 39
30 - 34 opposite of a progressive population pyramid.
25 - 29
20 - 24
15 - 19 It shows a slight constriction at the bottom
10 - 14
5 - 9 which represents the younger age groups.
0 - 4
590 472 354 236 118 0 0 118 236 354 472 590 Th ere are high life expectancies and good living
Population (in thousands) Age Group Population (in thousands) conditions in such countries, which leads to a
Expansive population pyramids higher number of older people. Despite this,
there are fewer births taking place. Births are
Stationary Population Pyramids outnumbered by the number of deaths. Th is
A stationary population pyramid is rectangular indicates a decreasing population. Th e ratio
or square shaped, as the population consists of older people is higher than the youth in
of almost the same number of people in all the country and this places a burden upon
age groups. It only decreases towards the the working-age population to support the
top as most deaths occur among the elderly. large number of elderly dependents. Th e
Countries that show this pyramid have high decrease in the birth rate indicates that people
life expectancy, and there is a steep increase are choosing to have fewer children.
in population of people over 65 years. Population decrease may also be due to
increased levels of emigration. Australia,
Male United States - 2016 Female Japan and Germany are some countries that
100 +
95 - 99
90- 94 fall in this category.
85 - 89
80 - 84
75 - 79 Australia - 2016
70 - 74 Male Female
65 - 69 100 +
60 - 64 95 - 99
55 - 59 90- 94
50 - 54 85 - 89
45 - 49 80 - 84
40 - 44 75 - 79
35 - 39 70 - 74
30 - 34 65 - 69
25 - 29 60 - 64
20 - 24 55 - 59
15 - 19 50 - 54
10 - 14 45 - 49
5 - 9 40 - 44
0 - 4 35 - 39
30 - 34
15 12 9 6 3 0 0 3 6 9 12 15
25 - 29
20 - 24
Population (in millions) Age Group Population (in millions)
15 - 19
10 - 14
5 - 9
Stationary population pyramids 0 - 4
845 676 507 338 169 0 0 169 338 507 676 845
Th is is due to better living conditions and Population (in thousands) Age Group Population (in thousands)
medical facilities. Th ey also have a stable birth Constrictive population pyramids