Page 83 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 7 : E-book
P. 83
Do and Learn
Create the given worksheet in MS Excel.
After creating the worksheet, perform the following tasks.
(a) Give the S.No. using the AutoFill option.
(b) Insert a row before Neha’s marks and enter the following contents: Ritvik, 9, English, 75.
(c) Adjust the row height and column width according to the contents.
Steps to be Followed
• Open a new Excel sheet by clicking on File New
Blank workbook.
• Enter the serial number by entering fi rst two numbers.
Select them and drag it to serial number 6.
• Now type the remaining data as shown.
• Click on Neha and insert a new row by clicking on
Insert Insert Sheet Row.
• Enter the given data in cells B4, B5, B6 and B7.
• Adjust the row height by selecting all the rows. Click on the Format button in the Cells group of the
Home tab.
• Select the row height. Type the desired height of row and click on the OK button.
• In the similar way, set the column width by selecting column width from the Format button in the
Home tab.
Computer Etiquette
Be careful while performing functions like moving data in a worksheet. Such action removes the data from
the original location.
Tech Terms
Undo: A command that cancels the last action performed in a worksheet
Redo: A command that cancels the Undo command and retrieves the last action
Quick Recall
• To select a cell, simply click on the cell.
• To select non-adjacent rows/columns, select the row/column and then hold down the Ctrl key,
while selecting other rows/columns.
• We can modify the cell content either by replacing the content of the cells or using the Edit mode.
• You can insert one or more cells, rows and columns in a worksheet.
• When we delete the contents of a cell, the cell remains there but only its contents are erased.
• You can adjust the row height and column width as per your requirement.