Page 117 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 117
• Back up or print important e-mails.
• Regularly clear out your e-mail inbox and sent box.
• Remember that an e-mail is somewhere between a letter and a postcard, and is not
a completely private form of communication.
• Do not SHOUT in e-mails by typing in upper case letters.
• Never fi re off an e-mail message in anger. Pause, refl ect and then delete the message.
• Avoid using off ensive, abusive or threatening language.
• Remember that the laws of libel apply to electronic forms of communication also.
• Don’t share your personal information, such as full
name, address or telephone number, unless you Think and Discuss
know the person really well. Read and re-read your
Why do you think it is important
message before sending, and use grammar and to follow netiquette?
spell checkers if they’re available.
Computer Etiquette
It is important to follow netiquette (general, social networking and e-mail) while using the Internet
for diff erent purposes.
Tech Terms
Internet: Word wide network of millions of computers
Web Browser: A software used to access the Internet
Netiquette: Set of rules a user is expected to follow when online
Quick Recall
• The Internet is the medium for communication, research and exchange of information.
• The Internet forms the world’s largest network of networks by connecting local, regional,
national and international networks.
• A MODEM relays information between the computer and the Internet.
• The information we send and receive over the Internet travels through telephone cables.
• Some of the most popular ISPs are Airtel, Reliance, BSNL and Vodafone.
• Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Netscape Navigator are some
commonly used web browsers.
• In chatting, each participant’s discussions are displayed on the screen of all the others taking
part in a conversation.
• Chatting can be done using a chat website, a chat room or an instant messenger.