Page 205 - Start Up Mathematics_7
P. 205

12                                                                   Constructions

            Euclid, a Greek mathematician mentioned construction techniques in his
            book titled Elements. These techniques have become a very important part
            of geometry and are taught even today. He explained that construction can

            be done by using only a compass and a ruler without measuring the lengths
            or angles.

            In the previous class, we have learnt the construction of a circle, line segment,
            perpendicular lines, perpendicular bisector of a line segment, special angles
            and angle bisectors using a ruler and compass. In this lesson, we shall learn how to draw parallel
            lines and triangles using a ruler and compass.

            To Draw a Line Parallel to a given Line through a Point Not on It

            Steps of Construction                                        Important Tips for Construction
            1.  Draw a line l and a point P outside it (Fig. 1).

            2.  Take a point Q on line l. Join PQ (Fig. 2).                 Use sharp pencils and draw thin lines.
                                                                            Mark points lightly but firmly.
            3.  Taking Q as centre, draw an arc with any radius to          Keep two or three pencils ready for
                 cut l at R and PQ at S (Fig. 3).                            use in your geometry box.

            4.  Taking P as centre and radius as in the above step,         The screw of the compass should not
                                                                             be loose.
                 draw an arc cutting PQ at T (Fig. 4).
            5.  Taking T as centre and radius equal to RS, draw an arc to cut the previous arc at U (Fig. 4).

            6.  Join PU and extend it on both sides to get a line m parallel to l (Fig. 5).

                               P                             P                              P

                                           l                             l             Q R              l
                            Fig. 1                      Q
                                                           Fig. 2                        Fig. 3

                                         U    P                         U   P           m
                                             T                              T
                                         S                              S
                                                          l                             l
                                         Q  R                          Q   R
                                          Fig. 4                        Fig. 5

            Example 1:  Draw a line l. Draw a line perpendicular to l at any point on it. On this perpendicular
                          choose a point X, 2.5 cm away from l. Through X, draw a line m parallel to l.
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