Page 286 - ICSE Math 7
P. 286

Formula Sheet

                    SET THEORY

                    •   For a set having n elements:                 •   For any non-empty sets A and B, we have
                       Number of subsets = 2 n                           (a) n(A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A ∩ B)
                       Number of proper subsets = 2  – 1                 (b) n(A – B) = n(A) – n(A ∩ B)
                                                                         (c) n(B – A) = n(B) – n(A ∩ B)


                    •   If the ratio of original quantity to final quantity is a : b, then
                       Final quantity =    × Original quantity
                    •   Dividing a quantity ‘A’ in the given ratio x : y
                                   x                       y 
                       First part =       × A   Second part =       × A
                                   x +  y                  x +  y 
                    •   Dividing a quantity ‘A’ in the given ratio x : y : z
                                     x                          y                         z    
                       First part =         × A   Second part =         × A   Third part =        × A
                                   x +  y +  z                 + x  + y  z               x +  y +  z 
                    •   Four quantities p, q, r and s are in proportion, i.e., p : q = r : s p × s = q × r
                    •   Full work is taken as 1, then one day’s work =
                                                              Number of days requred to complete the work
                    •   Number of days required to complete the work =
                                                                One day's work
                                                         Work to be done
                    •   Time required to do a certain work =
                                                      Wrok done in unit time

                                Conversion                         Method                          Example(s)
                          Converting a fraction or a   Multiply the given fraction or decimal by 100 and   7  =  7   × 100% = 28%
                          decimal into percentage  put the percentage symbol (%)              25  25
                                                                                             0.38 = 0.38 × 100 = 38%
                                                                                                    76  =  19
                          Converting a percentage   Remove the symbol from the given percentage and   76% =  100  25
                          into a fraction or decimal   then divide it by 100                        39
                                                                                             39% =      = 0.39
                          Converting a ratio into a   Write the given ratio as fraction and then multiply it  3 : 5 =    × 100%
                          percentage             by 100 and put percentage symbol                  5
                                                                                                 = 60%
                                                                                                    78   39
                          Converting a percentage   Convert the given percentage into a fraction in the   78% =   =
                          into a ratio           simplest form and then write it as a ratio        100   50
                                                                                                 = 39 : 50
                          To express a quantity  X   X                                       7 p as a percentage of ` 4
                          as a percentage of other    × 100%                                 =   7   × 100% = 1.75%
                          quantity Y              Y                                            400
                                                                                             28% of 52 m
                          To find the given       Given percentage  ×  X                        28
                          percentage of a quantity X   100                                   =     × 52 m = 14.56 m

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