Page 289 - ICSE Math 7
P. 289

Question Bank

                    TRUE OR FALSE
                      1.  When we change the order of integers, their sum remains the same.

                      2.  Modulus of an integer is always less than the integer.
                      3.  Fractions having the same lowest term are known as like fractions.
                      4.  A fraction which consists of a whole number and a proper fraction is known as a complex
                      5.  Simplification of decimals is not carried out by the rule of BODMAS.

                      6.  A decimal in which a digit or a group of digits repeat themselves is known as a recurring decimal.
                                                        3    5
                      7.  The multiplicative inverse of   is  .
                                                        5    3
                      8.  All fractions and integers are rational numbers but the converse is not true.
                                                                        –3 0
                      9.  The value of an expression (2  + 2  + 2  + 2 )  is 2.
                     10.  (2z)  × 12z  × 3z  is equal to      3     2 .
                                                           2z 
                     11.  A set which contains only one element is called a singleton set.
                     12.  For any two non-empty sets, A and B, n(A – B) = n(A) – n(A ∩ B).
                                                     4   6
                     13.  Simplest form of the ratio    :  is 30 : 28.
                                                     5   7
                     14.  If an increase in one quantity causes a corresponding increase in the other quantity, then the
                          two quantities are in direct variation.
                     15.  100% of a number is the number itself.
                     16.  45% of 20 is 8.
                     17.  Marked price is also known as cost price.
                     18.  Selling price is the sum of cost price and discount.

                     19.  The fixed percentage at which interest is calculated is known as rate of interest.
                     20.  While calculating the number of days for time period, starting day and the last day both are
                     21.  The average speed of a body is the product of the total distance covered and the total time taken.
                     22.  A car covers a distance of 80 km in 5 h, so the speed of car is 40 km h .
                     23.  The value of the constant in a polynomial is known as its degree.
                     24.  The product of one or more constants and variables is variable.
                     25.  While solving an equation, we can multiply one side and divide the other by the same constant.
                     26.  From a given solution, more than one equation can be constructed.

                     27.  An inequation is a statement which states that two algebraic expressions are not equal.
                     28.  Solution set of an inequation may or may not be a subset of the replacement set.
                     29.  Two rays form an angle, if they have the same initial point.
                     30.  Three or more lines which pass through a common point are known as concurrent lines.

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