Page 77 - ICSE Math 4
P. 77

Factors and Multiplesactors and Multiples
                              7           F

                     Learning Outcomes

                         Students will be able to learn:
                          about factors and multiples of a number.
                          about prime and composite numbers.
                          to fi nd prime factors of a number by factor tree method and prime factorization
                          about tests of divisibility of numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10.
                          to fi nd Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) by listing and common division methods.
                          to fi nd Least Common Multiple (L.C.M.) by listing and common division methods.

                    Factors of a Number                                                          Top Tip

                    We have already learnt mul  plica  on of numbers in                    We can always write a

                    which two numbers are mul  plied to get the product.                 number as the product of
                                                                                                its factors.
                    The numbers that we mul  ply together to get a product
                                                                                          For example, 12 = 4 × 3.
                    are called factors.
                    Let’s consider a number 16 and fi nd out its factors.

                    We have, 1 × 16 = 16, 2 × 8 = 16 and 4 × 4 = 16. Here, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 are the factors
                    of 16.

                    The factor of any number is a divisor that divides the number completely without leaving
                    a remainder.

                    For example, when 16 is divided by 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 separately, the remainder is 0.

                    Thus, we can say that both the divisor and the quo  ent are the factors of the dividend,
                    when the remainder is 0.

                    So, we can fi nd the factors of a number by either mul  plica  on or division.
                    Example 1:  Write all the factors of 24.

                    Solu  on:     Factors of 24 by mul  plica  on

                                  Step 1:  Find out the numbers that can be mul  plied to get the given number.

                                            Try 1  1 × 24 = 24 (1 and 24 are factors of 24.)
                                            Try 2  2 × 12 = 24 (2 and 12 are factors of 24.)

                                            Try 3  3 × 8 = 24 (3 and 8 are factors of 24.)

                                            Try 4  4 × 6 = 24 (4 and 6 are factors of 24.)

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