Page 110 - ICSE Math 4
P. 110

A line can be horizontal, ver  cal, slan  ng or curved.

                                                                   R             E                      K
                          M          N
                                                    B                                        F


                             A straight line can only be drawn to join any two given points.     M
                             However, many curved lines can also be drawn to join the two given
                             points in diff erent ways.
                             For example, look at the fi gure shown alongside. The shortest
                             distance between points M and N is shown by the straight line MN
                             rather than the other two curved lines.

                    Line Segment                                                                  A                B
                                                                                                    P      R
                    When two points are joined or connected with a straight line
                    using a ruler, we get a fi gure called line segment.
                    For example, when we join point A and point B with a straight
                    line using a ruler, we get a line segment AB. It is wri  en as AB.
                    A and B are the end points of AB. A line segment has a fi xed
                    length which can be measured by a ruler. It cannot be extended                   Top Tip
                    from any side. It can be horizontal, ver  cal or slan  ng.
                                                                                                A line segment is a
                    Ray                                                                            part of a line.

                    A ray is a straight line which has a fi xed star  ng point but
                    no end point. It has no  fi xed length. It can be extended                        Top Tip

                    endlessly to any length in one direc  on and hence, cannot
                    be measured. The fi xed point of a ray is shown by a point                     A ray is always
                                                                                                  named from its
                    and the extended part is shown by an arrow head that can                      starting point.
                    be extended endlessly.

                    For example, when we extend a line segment, say AB, from one end and put an arrowhead
                    to it, we get a ray AB. It is wri  en with an arrow on top as AB, where A is its end point.

                                         A                       B       Q                       P

                    Rays of the sun is a very good example of rays. They start from the sun and can be extended
                    to any length.

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