Page 105 - ICSE Math 4
P. 105
3. Fill in the boxes.
13 21 20 10 6 3
(a) + = (b) – = (c) + =
28 28 28 24 24 24 13 13 13
14 6 4 3 8 5 5
(d) – = (e) + + = (f) – =
27 27 27 9 9 9 9 19 19 19
4. Solve the following word problems.
(a) Mohit has 6 marbles out of which 2 are red. What fraction of marbles are
(b) Manvi has 11 pairs of hair clips. She gives 5 pairs to her sister. What frac on of
clips does Manvi give to her sister?
(c) Five monkeys were si ng on a tree. One of them had a long tail. What frac on
of monkeys had a long tail?
(d) Rita takes a piece of ribbon that is m long and glues it on the side of a chart
1 2
paper. She takes another m long ribbon piece and glues it below the fi rst
ribbon. Find the total length of the ribbon she glued on the chart paper.
5 1
(e) Sanya had litres of juice. She drank litre out of it. How much juice is le
2 2
with her?
Review Exercise
1. Write the following frac ons in numbers.
(a) Four-sevenths (b) One-third (c) Five-eighths
(d) Two-fourths (e) Six-ninths (f) Three-fi hs
2. Write the frac ons for the given numerators and denominators.
(a) Numerator = 7, Denominator = 9 (b) Numerator = 4, Denominator = 10
3. Colour the fi gures to represent the given frac ons.
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3
3 2 4
4. Do the following fi gures show equivalent frac ons? Write Yes or No.