Page 101 - ICSE Math 4
P. 101

Unit frac  ons: Frac  ons whose numerator is 1 are called unit frac  ons.
                                   1 1 1 1              1
                    For example,  ,  ,  ,   and             are unit frac  ons.
                                   1 2 3 9             17
                    Equivalent frac  ons: Frac  ons that have the same value are called equivalent frac  ons.
                    They represent the same part of a whole.
                                   1 2 3           4
                    For example,  ,  ,   and   are equivalent frac  ons.
                                   2 4 6           8
                    Visual Idea of Equivalent Fractions

                    If we take a whole and divide it in various ways to represent equal parts, then diff erent
                    frac  ons represent the same part of the whole.

                                   1                     2                     3                     4
                                   2                     4                     6                     8
                    Observe carefully that in each fi gure, the coloured parts show half of the whole rectangle.
                    In other words, they represent equivalent frac  ons.
                           1   2    3    4
                    Thus,   =   =   =   are equivalent frac  ons.
                           2   4    6    8
                    Showing Equivalence of Fractions

                    To show that two frac  ons are equivalent, we mul  ply the numerator of the fi rst frac  on

                    with the denominator of the second frac  on and the denominator of the fi rst frac  on
                    with the numerator of the second frac  on. If the products obtained are equal, we can say
                    that the two frac  ons are equivalent.
                                                  2      4
                    Example 2: Find whether   and   are equivalent frac  ons or not.
                                                  4      8
                    Solu  on:     Multiplying the numerator and denominator of the 1st frac  on with the
                                  denominator and numerator of the 2nd frac  on respec  vely, we get
                                  2  =  4
                                  4    8
                                   2 × 8  =  4 × 4
                                    16 = 16
                                                                    2      4
                                  Since the products are equal,   and   are equivalent frac  ons.
                                                                    4      8

                                                            Mental Maths
                                Write True or False.
                                   3 7 9      8                         4      1
                                (a)  ,  ,  and   are like fractions.   (b)    and    are equivalent fractions.
                                   4 4 4      4                        16      4

                                (c)          and           represent equivalent fractions.

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