Page 99 - ICSE Math 4
P. 99

(e)                     (f)                    (g)                    (h)

                     3.  Colour the fi gures to show the given frac  ons.

                           (a)                              (b)                             (c)

                               Three-fourths                    Five-eighths                    Two-fi   hs

                           (d)                              (e)                              (f)

                                    One-third                    Three-eighths                              Half
                                                                                              1 1      1
                      4.  Colour one part of each fi gure red, blue or orange to show  ,   or  , respec  vely.
                                                                                              2 3      4

                           (a)                              (b)                             (c)

                           (d)                              (e)                              (f)

                     5.  Write frac  ons for the parts coloured dark and light.

                           (a)                             Dark                                   Light

                           (b)                             Dark                                   Light

                            (c)                            Dark                                   Light

                           (d)                             Dark                                   Light

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