Page 67 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 67

9             The Four Princesses

                    Four princesses lived in a green tower –

                    A bright green tower in the middle of the sea;
                    And no one could think – oh, no one could think –

                    Who the four princesses could be.

                    One looked to the North, and one to the South,

                    And one to the East, and one to the West;
                    They were all so pretty, so very pretty,

                    You could not tell which was the prettiest.

                    Their curls were golden – their eyes were blue,

                    And their voices were sweet as a silvery bell;
                    And four white birds around them flew,

                    But where they came from – who could tell?

                    Ah, who could tell? For no one knew,

                    And not a word could you hear them say.
                    But the sound of their singing, like church bells ringing,

                    Would sweetly float as they passed away.

                    For under the sun, and under the stars,

                    They often sailed on the distant sea;
                    There, in their green tower and roses bower –

                    They lived again – a mystery.

                              Kate Greenaway

                     pretty : attractive                                 bower : a pleasant place under the
                     silvery : made of silver                                   branches of a tree

                     around them fl ew : poetic way of                   mystery : something difficult to
                            saying ‘flew around them’                           explain and understand

                     fl oat : move slowly in the air
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