Page 72 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 72

The snake said, ‘I am a thousand and one years old, yet I am not a dragon.

                    Ask Kuan-yin why it is so.’

                    In return to Po-wan’s kindness, the snake took him across the river on its

                    Po-wan resumed his journey, and soon reached an inn. The innkeeper gave
                    him a bowl of rice and tasty dishes. While eating, Po-wan told the innkeeper
                    that he was going to meet Kuan-yin.

                    ‘Then ask her a question for me,’  pleaded the innkeeper. ‘My beautiful

                    daughter cannot speak. Please ask Kuan-yin why this is so.’

                    Po-wan felt sorry for the innkeeper and readily agreed. After all, Kuan-yin
                    would answer three questions and Po-wan had only one to ask.

                    Po-wan spent the night at the inn, and the next morning he started his journey

                    On the way, he met a rich man. The rich man looked very sad. He said to

                    Po-wan, ‘I have many special plants and trees in my garden. I looked after
                    them well for twenty years. Still none of them will flower or bear fruit. Please
                    ask Kuan-yin why this is so.’

                    ‘Of course I will,’ promised Po-wan without any hesitation.

                    Alas! He could ask Kuan-yin only three questions, and now he already has
                    four. What should he do? Po-wan knew the answer. ‘I have made promises
                    to the Great Snake, the innkeeper and the rich man. Those promises must be


                    Po-wan reached Kuan-yin’s temple. She invited him to ask three questions.

                    Po-wan began, ‘Why is the Great Snake not yet a dragon?’ He has waited for

                    a thousand and one years.

                     dragon : an imaginary creature                      inn : a small country hotel
                            that can breathe out fire. It                pleaded : begged earnestly
                            also has wings and a long                    hesitation : wanting not to do

                            tail                                                something because you are
                     resumed : started again                                    not able to decide what to do

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