Page 71 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 71

10              Po-wan and the Four


                    In China, many years ago, there was a boy named Po-wan. ‘Po-wan’ meant
                    ‘a million pieces of gold’. When he was born, it was foretold that one day he

                    would be rich and have a million pieces of gold.

                    Po-wan was very generous. He gave away all his money to the poor. Soon
                    he had neither food nor good clothes for himself. One day he asked himself,
                    ‘Why am I so poor when my name means a million pieces of gold?’ He decided

                    to go and seek the answer from the wise goddess Kuan-yin.

                    Po-wan       travelled       for
                    many days until he came

                    to a wide and fast-flowing
                    river. As he stood on the
                    riverbank deciding how
                    to cross, a deep voice

                    called him from the
                    hilltop, ‘Po-wan, are you
                    going to see Kuan-yin?’

                    ‘Yes,’    replied      Po-wan
                    when he saw a large
                    snake appear over the

                    ‘Would you ask Kuan-yin
                    a question for me?’ asked
                    the snake.

                    Po-wan knew he could ask only three questions to Kuan-yin, and he had one
                    of his own to ask. So he agreed to the snake’s request.

                     foretold : told beforehand;                         generous : giving a lot

                            predicted                                    seek : search for and find
                     million : a thousand thousands                      wise : having knowledge

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