Page 24 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 24

A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Tick the statements that are true. Cross the false ones.

                           1.  The girl tries to catch the frog.

                           2.  The girl decides not to disturb the frog and says goodbye to it.

                           3.  The frog decides not to disturb the girl and says goodbye to her.

                           4.  The frog is a finger of scorn.

                           5.  The toad is lumpish. Therefore it is dangerous.

                    A2.  Answer these questi ons.

                           1.  What does this line mean: ‘I’ll not pelt you with stick or stone’?

                                 a)  The girl does not have a stick or stone to pelt the frog with.
                                 b)  The frog should be pelted with a stick or a stone, but the girl is

                                      not keen on doing that.

                                 c)  People usually pelt the frog with a stick or a stone, but the girl
                                      is kind and will not do that.

                           2.  Is the frog really wearing a cap and a coat?

                           3.  Why do people scorn the toad?

                   B         Vocabulary

                    Frogs and toads are similar animals. Match the animals listed in
                    Column A with their relati ves in Column B.

                                         A                                                   B

                                      alligator                                           moth

                                      ape                                                 turtle

                                      hare                                                buffalo

                                      ass                                                 rabbit
                                      mouse                                               donkey

                                      bison                                               rat

                                      tortoise                                            crocodile
                                      octopus                                             monkey

                                      butterfly                                           squid
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