Page 20 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 20

C          Grammar

                    Read these sentences.

                           I entered the room.

                           I saw the snake.

                    These sentences are in the simple past tense. Simple past tense tells us about:

                            •  events that happened at a particular time in the past

                                 Hari painted his house yesterday.

                            •  things that happened regularly in the past

                                 Hari ate ice cream twice every week.

                    We usually add -d or -ed to the base of the verb to make the past tense form.

                                    cooked, jumped, walked, received, opened, finished

                    There are many verbs that don’t follow any rule to form the past tense form.

                                see – saw                     meet – met                   begin – began

                                know – knew                   have – had                   come – came

                    The verbs that do not become past tense by adding  -d or  -ed are called
                    irregular verbs.

                    C1.  Write the past tense forms of these verbs.

                           swim                  have                     take                   buy

                           write                 bring                    sing                   win

                    C2.  Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using the irregular past

                           tense forms in C1.

                           1.  Last Sunday Ali                      in the river.

                           2. I                  chocolate ice cream yesterday. It was delicious.

                           3. Ajit                  a letter to his friend in Australia.

                           4. Who                     the match yesterday?

                           5. My father                      two picture books from the shop – one for me

                                and one for my sister.

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