Page 15 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 15

As soon as Harish got the books from the counter, he leafed through them.

                    The pages were so crisp and neat. On the way back, mother warned him,
                    ‘Remember Harish, you are a big boy now. You must keep these books
                    properly. No tearing pages to make rockets and boats.’

                    ‘No, mother, this year I will keep my books neat. I won’t tear pages, I promise.’

                    Harish was good at studies. He played basketball well. But he had one bad
                    habit: he treated his books badly. He would tear their pages, touch them with
                    dirty hands, throw them around, and often misplace them. His parents and

                    teachers scolded him several times for this. But he did not listen. His mother
                    hoped that at least this year he would be more careful.

                    The school reopened and classes began. Harish proudly carried his new

                    books to school. But just two months into the school term, all the books were
                    looking different. The English notebook had no cover; mathematics had
                    many pages missing; the Hindi textbook was torn.

                    Harish’s mother got angry seeing

                    the  pathetic shape of his books.
                    She decided to teach him a lesson.
                    She went to see Harish’s English

                    teacher Mrs Jaya, and they thought
                    of a plan.

                    On Monday morning, Harish was
                    getting ready for school. ‘Mother,

                    did you see my English notebook?
                    I have a test today.’

                    ‘No, Harish. I’m sure it’s somewhere

                    there. Have you checked inside
                    your bag and the shelf?’

                     leafed through : quickly turned the                 misplace : lose
                            pages reading only a little                  pathetic : in so bad a condition that
                     crisp : stiff and smooth                                   you feel sad

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