Page 10 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 10

Writing/Activity  Research skills  Writing factual    descriptions  Wildlife conservation  Activity: Being nice to   a friend  Rewriting a story from  a new point of view     Activity: Finding   clever solutions  Activity: Saying   nonsensical things

                            Listening and   Speaking  Listening for specific  words in a song  Ending a conversation  Pronunciation: Short   vowel // and long   vowel //   Filling a questionnaire   by listening  Suggesting and   accepting plans  Rhyming words

                            Grammar  and Usage           Emphatic pronouns


                              Vocabulary  Animals with special   features  Special colours  Locating the right   word

                            Reading   Comprehension  Locating   information  Verifying  Evaluative  Locating   information  Verifying  Locating   information  Verifying  Inferring  Evaluative  Locating   information  Verifying  Extrapolating

                              Unit             14. The Arrow and the   16. Three Nonsense
                                   13. Elephants  Song        poem     15. The Keys to  Heaven        play     Poems
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