Page 17 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 17
‘Ma’am, please give me one last chance. I promise I will be careful with my
Mrs Jaya said, ‘Go home and check your bookshelf. I am sure your notebook
would have come back there. Take today’s test in your rough notebook.
Remember, don’t ever tear pages from your books or keep them dirty.’ Harish
had learnt his lesson.
Harish was surprised when he reached home. The English notebook was
right there on the shelf. How did he miss it in the morning? Had Mrs Jaya’s
dream come true?
A Comprehension
A1. Write whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Harish had no bad habits.
2. Harish’s friend’s name was Amar.
3. Mrs Jaya taught mathematics.
4. Harish’s mother and Mrs Jaya together planned that they would
hide his books.
5. Mrs Jaya did not actually have any dream of books complaining.
A2. Answer these questi ons.
1. What was Harish doing when his mother asked him to get ready?
2. In which class was Harish the previous year? Which class would he
enter when the school reopened?
3. Where did Harish first see the books for the new academic year?
4. When other pupils started to write, Harish was sitting with tears in
his eyes. Why?
5. What was the dream Mrs Jaya had?
learnt his lesson : changed his habit come true : become real
or behaviour after seeing
what is good