Page 27 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 27

Bhim thought that was a good idea, and happily gave the man his buffalo.

                    But soon he discovered that the horse was lame. He felt disappointed and
                    continued walking.

                    Soon, a man came with a cow. Bhim told the man what had happened. The

                    man said, ‘Don’t worry, take my cow and give the lame horse to me.’ Bhim
                    was very happy with the man’s kindness.

                    Soon Bhim realized that the cow was blind in one eye. He felt disheartened.
                    He sat down under a tree unable to decide what to do.

                    Then a man came that way with a goat. He offered to exchange the goat for
                    Bhim’s cow. Bhim agreed, but afterwards found out that the goat was sick.
                    Sad and confused, Bhim next exchanged his goat for a hen.

                    It was evening. Bhim was hungry and tired. He sold the hen for a few rupees
                    and bought some food to eat. As he was about to start, an old beggar walked
                    up to him.

                    ‘I have not eaten anything for many

                    days. Please give me something to
                    eat,’ the beggar pleaded.

                    Bhim felt sorry for the beggar. He

                    gave all the food to the beggar. Bhim
                    returned home hungry, tired and
                    without a paisa in his pocket.

                    Bhim’s wife and children were not

                    unhappy with him for losing the
                    buffalo and making no money. His
                    wife said, ‘You have done the right

                    thing. One must never turn a hungry
                    man away.’

                     discovered : found out                              disheartened : without confidence

                     lame : unable to walk                                      and hope
                     disappointed : sad                                  turn a hungry man away : not allow

                     realized : came to know; understood                        a hungry man to enter your

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