Page 26 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 26

4             Bhim and the Buffalo

                    Bhim was a poor farmer. He lived with his wife and two children in a village.
                    He had a patch of land where he grew vegetables. His two buffaloes gave
                    milk to the family. Bhim and his family were happy, and they always thanked

                    God for what they had.

                    The children grew older. Bhim needed more money to send them to school.
                    He and his wife decided to sell one of their buffaloes. They were sad to part
                    with the  loyal animal that served them for many years. But they had no

                    other option.

                    The next morning Bhim set out for the cattle market in the town with his
                    buffalo. On the way, he met a man with a horse. The man said, ‘Friend,

                    I want to sell my horse. Would you like to exchange it with your buffalo?’

                     a patch of land : a small piece of                  set out : began a journey
                            ground                                       cattle : farm animals like cow, ox

                     part with : give away                                      and buffalo
                     loyal : always supporting                           exchange : give something and

                                                                                take something in return
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