Page 124 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 124

Aladdin:       Yes, Uncle. (goes down and enters an enormous cave)

                    Aladdin:       It’s very dark in here. But what’s that shining over there? (rubs
                                   his eyes) Gold and jewels! What shall I take with me? This box of

                                   jewels or these bags of gold coins? ... Now, where is the lamp? ...
                                   Ah, there it is! ... I wonder why Uncle wants this dirty old lamp.

                    Wizard:        (outside) Hurry up! Bring me the lamp quickly.

                    Aladdin:       I’m coming Uncle. I have the lamp. (starts climbing up the stairs)
                                   I’ll give it to you. But first let me come out into the open air.

                    Wizard:        You wicked boy! Give it to me at once or I’ll punish you. I’ll shut
                                   you up in the cave.

                    Aladdin:       I won’t give you the lamp.

                    Wizard:        (angrily) Then stay in the cave! (throws some magic powder on
                                   the square stone and shouts a spell. The stone moves and shuts

                                   the cave.) I cannot get the lamp myself. Someone has to get it
                                   for me. If I try to get it, I will die.

                    Aladdin:       I can’t get out. Help! Help! Uncle! Why have you shut me in?
                                   (sobbing) Oh! What shall I do? If I light this old lamp, I may find

                                   my way out. ... I’ll clean it first.

                                   (Takes the lamp and rubs it on his shirt. A Genie appears.)

                    Genie:         I’m the servant of the lamp. My home is in the lamp and the man
                                   who owns the lamp owns me. What are your wishes?

                    Aladdin:       Am I dreaming? (pinches himself) Ouch! I am awake. This is magic.

                                   Genie! Can you take me home along with all these jewels?

                    Genie:         Certainly, master! Away we go!

                    Aladdin:       (moments later) Oh, I’m back in my house again! Genie, thank
                                   you. You saved my life.

                    Zarina:        Aladdin, Aladdin, what happened?

                                   (He tells his mother the whole story.)

                     enormous : extremely large; huge                    spell : words that are believed to

                                                                                have magical powers
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