Page 125 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 125

Zarina:        That was not your uncle. He was a wicked wizard. Remember one

                                   thing. Never talk to strangers and tell them where you live.

                    Aladdin:       Yes, Mother, I’ll remember that.

                                   (Aladdin became very rich with the help of the Genie. He and his
                                   mother lived happily ever after.)

                   A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Fill in the blanks with words from the lesson.

                    Aladdin was a                                    son. A wicked                    meets Aladdin

                    and says, ‘I’m your                      .’ He asks Aladdin to                     him. He takes

                    him to a                   valley. He lights a                      and throws a

                    powder in it. The                     opens. He makes Aladdin pull up a round brass

                                   on the big square                      . The wizard tells Aladdin to go down

                    into the cave and look for an old                         . The wicked uncle knows he will

                                   if he tries to get the                     himself.

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