Page 123 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 123

Aladdin:       (goes and opens the door). Greetings, Uncle! Mother! Mother,
                                   come quickly! Uncle has come to see us.

                    Wizard:        Greetings to you, Aladdin! (Zarina comes to the door.) Greetings

                                   to you, Zarina!

                    Zarina:        Who are you? How do you know my name? I don’t know you.

                    Wizard:        Zarina, don’t you remember me? I’m your dead husband’s brother.

                    Zarina:        Mustapha’s brother? After so many years! Please come inside. Do
                                   sit down.

                    Wizard:        Thank you. Peace be upon you! (to Aladdin) Aladdin, I need your
                                   help. I’m an old man. Tomorrow, I must take out the treasure

                                   which I have hidden in a secret place. Will you get it for me? I’ll
                                   make you very rich if you help me.

                    Aladdin:       Of course, Uncle, I’ll get your treasure for you.

                    Wizard:        Thank you. We will leave early in the morning.

                    Scene 2

                    (Aladdin and the Wizard are in a narrow valley. The Wizard lights a fire and
                    throws a magic powder in it. The earth shakes terribly and the ground opens.
                    There is a big square stone with a round brass ring on it. Aladdin is astonished.)

                    Wizard:        Aladdin, pull up the brass


                    Aladdin:       Yes, Uncle. (pulls up the ring.
                                   The stone moves to one side.

                                   He sees a flight of stairs.)

                    Wizard:        Now go down and look for an
                                   old lamp. Bring it to me. Then
                                   take what you want from the


                     terribly : in a way which is very                   astonished : very surprised
                            unpleasant and makes you

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