Page 119 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 119

Read the following phrase:
                                         fat and funny

                    B2.  Find three phrases like the above phrase from the poem and write
                           them in the given space.




                   C          Grammar

                    The Apostrophe : ’s, s’

                    Read the following:

                           1. the boy’s shirt                 =      the shirt of the boy

                                the peacock’s tail            =      the tail of the peacock

                           2. the girl’s doll                 =      the doll of the girl

                                the girls’ dolls              =      the dolls of the girls
                           3. the child’s toy                 =      the toy of the child

                                the children’s toys           =      the toys of the children

                            • ’s shows that something belongs to someone.

                            •  To a singular noun add ’s e.g. boy’s.
                            •  To a plural noun

                                  –  add only ( ’ ) if the noun ends in s, e.g. the girls’ dolls

                                  – add ’s if the noun does not end in s, e.g. the men’s cars

                    C1.  Insert an apostrophe ( ’ ) in the following phrases.

                           1.  the queens necklace                         2.  the boys toy

                           3.  the kings palaces                           4.  Mr Sharmas children

                           5.  Govinds computer                            6.  the birds nests

                       Teacher’s Box

                         The apostrophe shows belonging or ownership. It is expressed by the possessive form ’s or s’.
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