Page 114 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 114

Read the words given in the box.

                                        faithful  forgetful  playful  colourful

                                      leafless  colourless  harmless  careless

                    Use words from the box and fi ll in the blanks.

                           1.  A dog is a                           animal.

                           2.  In winter many trees are                               .

                           3. Grandma is                           . She is always looking for her glasses.

                           4.  All snakes are not dangerous. Some are                                       .

                           5.  Holi is a                          festival.

                           6.  Amit is a                           boy.

                           7. Water is                             .

                           8. Puppies are                              .

                   C          Grammar

                    Preposi  ons of Time : When?

                    Read the following sentences:

                           1.  We go to school at eight o’clock.                                                (time)

                           2.  Class 2 is going for a picnic on Sunday.                          (day of the week)

                           3. Diwali is on the twelfth of November this year.                                   (date)

                           4.  Preeti and Sri watch television in the evening.                    (time of the day)

                           5.  We have our dinner by seven in winter.                                (time, season)

                    Prepositions of time tell us when something happened.

                    Useful Phrases

                              at                     by                     in                         on

                     at night/dawn           by bedtime             in the morning        on Sunday/weekday

                     at Christmas            by one o’clock         in April              on Christmas Day

                     at the weekend          by tomorrow            in summer             on the first of August
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