Page 52 - Start Up Mathematics_8 (Non CCE)
P. 52

3                                      Squares and Square Roots

                    We already know that the area of a square = a × a (where a is the length of a side) which means to find the
                    area of a square, we have to find the square of its side.
                    In this chapter, we will learn about some special operations that will help us to find squares and square roots
                    of numbers.

                    Perfect Square and Square Numbers

                    Square numbers or perfect squares are natural numbers whose exponent is 2, i.e., the number is raised to
                    the power 2. In other words, when a number is multiplied by itself, it is called its square. If x is any number,
                    then square of x = x × x = x .
                    For example,    3  = 3 × 3 = 9          4  = 4 × 4 = 16         11  = 11 × 11 = 121 and so on.
                                                 Table of squares of numbers from 1 to 30

                      Number       Square       Number      Square       Number       Square      Number       Square
                         (x)         (x )         (x)         (x )          (x)        (x )          (x)         (x )
                         1           1             9          81            17         289           25         625
                         2           4            10          100           18         324           26         676

                         3           9            11          121           19         361           27         729

                         4           16           12          144           20         400           28         784

                         5           25           13          169           21         441           29         841

                         6           36           14          196           22         484           30         900

                         7           49           15          225           23         529
                         8           64           16          256           24         576

                    Prime Factorization Method to Check Perfect Squares

                    To check if a given natural number is a perfect square, it needs to be first broken down as a product of its
                    prime factors. The prime factors are then arranged in pairs. If no factor is left after pairing, the given natural
                    number is a perfect square, otherwise not.

                    Example 1:      Is 625 a perfect square?                                                 5   625
                    Solution:       To find whether 625 is a perfect square or not, break it down as a       5   125
                                    product of its prime factors.                                            5   25
                                    \ 625 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5                                                    5   5

                                    Since no factor is left unpaired, hence 625 is a perfect square.             1
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