Page 94 - ICSE Math 6
P. 94

Conversion of Fractions into Decimals

                    Conversion of decimal fractions into decimals

                    For a proper or an improper fraction: Take the numerator and put the decimal point after as many
                    digits from the right as the number of zeroes in the denominator. For example, there are two zeroes in

                    the denominator of  835 , so its decimal notation is 8.35. Also,   36   = 0.036,   5   = 0.05 and so on.
                                        100                                        1000           100

                    For a mixed fraction: Find the decimal notation of the fractional part and write the whole part to the
                    left of decimal point in this notation. For example, 12  3   = 12.03, as 3 = 0.03.
                    Example 4:  Convert the following decimal fractions into decimals.
                                       19                   4592                     3                     13
                                  (a)                   (b)                  (c) 7                 (d) 22
                                      100                    10                    100                    1000
                                       19                                         4592
                    Solution:     (a)       = 0.19                           (b)         = 459.2
                                      100                                          10
                                  (c)  As,   3   = 0.03                      (d)  As   13   = 0.013
                                          100                                        1000
                                            3                                            13
                                      ∴  7      = 7.03                           ∴  22        = 22.013
                                           100                                         1000

                    Conversion of other fractions into decimals

                    Convert the given fraction into its equivalent decimal fraction and then into decimals.
                    Example 5:  Convert the following fractions into decimals.
                                       13                8                  23
                                  (a)          (b)               (c)  7
                                       20               125                 200
                                       13    13×5
                    Solution:     (a)      =                  (Multiplying numerator and denominator by 5)
                                       20    20×5

                                           =      = 0.65     (Denominator has 2 zeros)
                                        8      8×8
                                  (b)       =                 (Multiplying numerator and denominator by 8)
                                      125     125×8
                                           =        = 0.064      (Denominator has 3 zeros)
                                         23       23×5
                                  (c) 7       = 7                (Multiplying numerator and denominator of

                                         200      200×5          fractional part by 5)
                                              = 7       = 7.115     (Denominator of fractional part has 3 zeros)

                    Conversion of Decimals into Fractions

                    Write the given number without decimal point as the numerator. Then, write 1 in the denominator
                    followed by as many zeros as the number of digits after the decimal point. Reduce the fraction to the
                    simplest form, if needed.

   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99