Page 186 - ICSE Math 6
P. 186


                    The angles formed between the sides of a triangle and inside the triangle             P
                    are known as the angles or interior angles of the triangle. In DPQR
                    drawn alongside, ∠PQR, ∠PRQ and ∠QPR are the interior angles.                       Interior
                    These angles can also be denoted by writing the corresponding vertices,       Q               R
                    i.e., as ∠Q, ∠R and ∠P respectively.
                    When a side of a triangle is extended, the angle formed between the                     T
                    extended side and the adjacent side is called an exterior angle of the                P
                    triangle. In DPQR drawn alongside, ∠PQS, ∠RPT and ∠QRU are the
                    exterior angles.                                                               S  Q          R  U

                    Relation between interior and exterior angles of a triangle
                    The sum of an exterior angle and its corresponding interior angle is                 A
                    180°. Also, an exterior angle is equal to the sum of the opposite interior
                    angles. For example, in the adjoining figure,                                                  D
                    (i) ∠ACD + ∠ACB = 180°, and (ii) ∠ACD = ∠BAC + ∠ABC                           B             C

                    Example 3:  In the adjoining figure, find x.
                    Solution:     In DABC,                                                      A  x
                                  ∠CAD + ∠CAB = 180°  (Sum of interior and                        45°
                                  ⇒ x + 45° = 180°                exterior angles at vertex A)
                                  ⇒ x = 135°                                                    B                      C

                    Example 4:  In the adjoining figure, find the value of y.
                    Solution:     In DABC,                                                           A

                                  ∠ACD = ∠BAC + ∠ABC                                                 93°
                                  ⇒ y = 93° + 45°                                               B  45°            y
                                  ⇒ y = 138°                                                                     C   D

                    Classification of triangles
                    Triangles can be classified on the basis of their sides or on the basis of the magnitude of their angles.

                    On the basis of sides                                    P
                    •  Isosceles triangle                                4 cm    4 cm               Maths Info
                       A triangle in which any two sides are equal                            •   In an isosceles triangle, angles
                       is known as an isosceles triangle.             Q     6 cm    R           opposite to equal sides are
                    •  Equilateral triangle                                  A                •   In an equilateral triangle, all
                                                                                                angles are equal to 60°.
                       A  triangle  in  which  all  the  three  sides  are   4 cm  4 cm
                       equal is known as an equilateral triangle.
                                                                       B           C
                                                                            4 cm
                    •  Scalene triangle                                                         A
                       A triangle in which no two sides are equal is                          4 cm       7 cm
                       known as a scalene triangle.
                                                                                                 B      6 cm       C

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