Page 182 - ICSE Math 6
P. 182

5.  Draw a line segment PQ of length 10 cm. Then, draw a perpendicular to PQ from a point A:
                        (a)  on the line segment PQ                     (b)  not on the line segment PQ

                      6.  Draw a line segment of any length. Draw perpendiculars at both the end points of the line segment.
                        Are the two perpendiculars parallel or intersecting?

                                                              AT A GLANCE

                    Using a ruler and a compass, we can:
                    (a) construct an angle equal to a given angle.
                    (b) bisect an angle.
                    (c) construct angles of magnitude 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 135°.
                    (d) draw perpendicular bisector of a line segment.

                    (e) draw perpendicular to a line from a point on the line and not on the line.

                                                            MENTAL MATHS

                      1.  Write True or False.
                        (a)  We can draw an angle of 89° using a protractor as well as a ruler and a compass.
                        (b)  Using a ruler and a compass, a bisector of any angle can be drawn.
                        (c)  An angle of magnitude 45° can be drawn by bisecting an angle.

                        (d)  Two perpendiculars can be drawn from a point not on the line.
                        (e)  To draw an angle of 15°, an angle of 60° must be bisected twice.
                      2.  Fill in the blanks.

                        (a)  A perpendicular bisector of a line segment divides the line segment into _________ equal
                                                        1 °
                        (b)  An angle of magnitude  22      can be drawn by bisecting an angle of _________.
                        (c)  By bisecting an angle of 80°, an angle of _________ can be obtained.
                        (d)  To construct an angle of 60°, arcs should be drawn with the _________ radius.

                        (e)  A perpendicular _________ be drawn on a line segment from any point not on the line

                                                             PRACTICE TIME

                      1.  Construct angles equal to the given angles.

                                              P                                         P
                         (a)                          (b)                           (c)

                               R        Q                   Q        R                          Q        R

                      2.  Construct the following angles and then bisect them.
                         (a)  30°                     (b)  45°                      (c)  105°

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