Page 177 - ICSE Math 6
P. 177

Step 1:   Draw line segment PQ.
                                                                                               P                Q

                    Step 2:   With P as centre, draw arcs with radius more than half
                              of PQ on both sides of PQ.                                       P                Q

                    Step 3:   Without changing the opening of the compass, draw arcs
                              with Q as centre to intersect the arcs drawn earlier at A
                              and B.                                                           P                Q

                    Step 4:   Join A and  B. Line  AB is the  required perpendicular                      A
                              bisector of PQ.
                                                                                               P                Q
                    Use of Protractor to Construct an Angle

                    Suppose we want to construct an angle of 50°. To do so, follow the steps given below.

                    Step 1:   Draw a ray, say OP, with initial point O.
                                                                                                 O            P

                    Step 2:   Place the protractor on ray OP such that its mid-                              Q
                              point  coincides  with point  O and the  base line
                              coincides with ray OP.

                    Step 3:   The 0° mark of the inner scale falls on ray OP.
                              Therefore,  we will  consider the  inner  scale  for                O                 P
                              constructing the angle. Mark a point, say Q, on                          Q
                              the division which represents 50°.

                    Step 4:   Remove the protractor and join O and Q. Thus,
                              ∠POQ is the required angle.                                      O             P

                    To Construct an Angle Equal to a Given Angle                                           A

                    Let’s draw an angle equal to ∠ABC given alongside. To do so,
                    follow the steps given below.
                    Step 1:   Draw ray QR with initial point Q.                                     Q           R

                    Step 2:   Using a compass, draw an arc of any suitable radius in
                              ∠ABC  with centre at B, such that it intersects ray BC                  E
                              at D and ray BA at E.                                                B
                                                                                                        D        C
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