Page 142 - ICSE Math 6
P. 142

Example 3:  Multiply.
                                  (a)  –6 and –3x     (b)  13 and 2ab   (c)  30a  and 4a b   (d)  2ab and xyz
                    Solution:     (a)  (–6) × (–3x ) = {(–6) × (–3)} × x = 18x 2
                                  (b)  13 × 2ab = (13 × 2) × ab = 26ab
                                  (c)  30a  × 4a b = (30 × 4) × (a  × a b) = 120a b
                                  (d)  2ab × xyz = 2 × (ab × xyz) = 2abxyz
                    Use of Brackets as Grouping Symbols
                    While performing fundamental operations on algebraic expressions, we use brackets to group terms.
                    Also, while simplifying an expression, first of all, terms inside a bracket are operated. There are four
                    types of brackets:

                    (a)  Small bracket or parentheses denoted by (  ).
                    (b)  Middle bracket or curly bracket denoted by {  }.
                    (c)  Big bracket or square bracket denoted by [  ].       ____

                    (d)  Bar bracket or vinculum denoted by a horizontal line      drawn over terms.
                    When removing brackets from an algebraic expression, first of all the bar bracket is removed, then
                    the small bracket followed by the curly bracket, and finally the square bracket is removed.

                    Removing a bracket

                    When there is a positive (+) sign before a bracket                              Maths Info
                    Bracket is removed and the sign of all the terms inside the bracket       If there is a constant or a variable
                    are retained as it is. For example,                                       written outside a bracket, then
                                                                                              while removing the bracket
                    (a)  x + (2y – z) = x + 2y – z                                            each term of the expression

                    (b)  2a + (10 – q) = 2a + 10 – q                                          inside the bracket is multiplied
                                                                                              by that constant or variable.
                    When there is a negative (–) sign before a bracket
                    Bracket is removed and the sign of all the terms inside the bracket are changed. For example,
                    (a)  p – (q – r) = p – q + r

                    (b)  20 – (–11 + a) = 20 + 11 – a
                    Example 4:  Simplify.

                                  (a)  3a + (b – 5a)                         (b)  10 – 2{3b – 4a(10 – 5)}
                                  (c) x  – 2 −      {–5y +  ( 2 –10 8x−  )}   

                    Solution:     (a)  3a + (b – 5a) = 3a + b – 5a                            (Removing small bracket)

                                                    = b – 2a
                                  (b)  10 – 2{3b – 4a(10 – 5)} = 10 – 2{3b – 4a(5)}           ( Simplifying terms in
                                                                                              small bracket)
                                                               = 10 – 2{3b – 20a}             (Removing small bracket)
                                                               = 10 – {6b – 40a}
                                                               = 10 – 6b + 40a                (Removing curly bracket)

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