Page 133 - ICSE Math 6
P. 133

3.  Observe the following pattern, identify the variable and write the general expression of number
                        of legs in terms of the number of horses in a stable.

                          Number of horses in a stable         1         2         3          4        ...      n
                         Total number of legs in stable        4         8         12        16        ...      ...

                      4.  Observe the following pattern, identify the variable and write the general rule that gives the
                        number of legs in terms of the number of ducks.

                            Number of ducks             1           2           3           4          ...        n
                          Total number of legs          2           4           6           8          ...        ...
                      5.  Observe the following pattern and write the general expression using the variable m.
                                1, 4, 9, 16, 25, …

                      6.  Use the general term of the following pattern and complete the table as indicated.
                          S. No.         Pattern            General term       Term number       Value of the term
                            1.       2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ...          2n                 50 th
                            2.       2, 5, 8, 11, 14, ...        3n – 1              21 st
                            3.     9, 13, 17, 21, 25, ...       4n + 5               36 th
                            4.       11, 19, 27, 35, ...        8n + 3               69 th
                            5.       4, 13, 22, 31, ...          9n – 5             100 th

                      7.  There are 5 students in a group. Write the total number of students in terms of number of groups.
                      8.  At a fruit shop, bananas are sold in dozens. Find out the number of bananas sold in terms of
                        number of dozens.


                    A term is a constant or a variable or a combination of both (connected by multiplication or division).
                    For example, 5, 15ab,    , etc., are terms.
                    If a term does not contain a variable, then it is known as a constant term. In a term, constant is
                    known as the numerical factor and variables are known as the literal factors. For example, in the
                    term –4xy, (–4) is the numerical factor and x, y and xy are the literal factors. There are two types of
                    terms; like terms and unlike terms.

                    Like terms
                    The terms having the same literal factors are known as like terms.
                    For example,                                                                    Maths Info
                    (a)  6xy and –7xy are like terms.                                         Like terms always differ in
                                                                                              numerical factor.
                    (b)  17a b and  a b are like terms.
                    Unlike terms                                                               Try These
                    The terms with different literal  factors are known as unlike terms.      1.   Write any two terms that can
                    For example,                                                                 be the members of a group
                                                                                                 of like terms containing 2ab.
                    (a)  3x  and 3xy are unlike terms.                                        2.   Identify the like terms from
                    (b)  4a b and ab are unlike terms.                                           the following.
                                                                                                 7a b, –a b, aba, ba
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