Page 128 - ICSE Math 6
P. 128


                    ¾   The speed of a body is the distance covered by the body in unit time.
                                 Distance                                     Distance
                    ¾   Speed =           ; Distance = Speed × Time; Time =
                                   Time                                         Speed
                                          Total distance covered
                    ¾   Average speed =
                                              Total time taken
                    ¾   If a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, then its speed is uniform, otherwise
                        its speed is variable.
                    ¾   To convert speed in km h  into m s , multiply by    5  .
                    ¾   To convert speed in km h  into cm s , multiply by    250 .
                    ¾   To convert speed in m s  into km h , multiply by    18 .
                    ¾   To convert speed in cm s  into km h , multiply by     9  .
                                                            MENTAL MATHS

                      1.  Write True or False.

                         (a)   The average speed of a body is calculated by dividing the total distance travelled by total
                             time taken.
                         (b)  The distance travelled by a body is the speed of the body divided by unit time.
                         (c)  If a car travels equal distances in equal intervals of time, then its speed is uniform.
                         (d)  If distance is in metres (m) and time is in minutes (min), then speed is in m min .
                      2.  Fill in the blanks.
                         (a)   Amit covers the first 10 km at a speed of 30 km h , the next 10 km at a speed of 35 km h
                             and the remaining distance at a speed of 30 km h . So, Amit has a ____________ speed.
                         (b)  A distance of 60 metres is covered in 6 seconds. So, the speed is ____________ m s .
                         (c)  If speed = 8 km min  and time = 30 min, then distance covered = ____________ km.
                         (d)   If speed = 16 m s  and distance covered = 1.92 km, then time taken = _______ s = _______min.
                         (e)  If distance = 25 km and time taken = 50 min, then speed = ____________ km h .

                                                             PRACTICE TIME

                      1.  Convert the following speeds.
                         (a)  81 km h  into cm s            (b)  275 m s  into km h  –1
                      2.  How much distance does an athlete cover in 1 hour if he runs at a speed of 550 m min ?
                      3.  A 115 m long train is running at a speed of 140 m min . How much time will it take to cross a
                        305 m long platform?
                      4.  A car going at a speed of 70 km h  takes 4 hours to reach its destination. How much time will
                        another car take to cover the same distance at a speed of 40 km h ?

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